Jenis-Jenis Baja


Semoga anda semua berada dalam rahmat Allah, tuhan yang maha Esa.  Artikel pembuka tirai 2015, saya akan berkongsi sedikit berkenaan baja.  Kali ni biar saya ringkaskan artikel ini dalam bahasa inggeris, bolehkan. Sebenarnya artikel pendek ini saya ambil dari slaide presentation saya satu ketika dahulu. 

There are 2 main types of fertilizers e.i  Inorganic and Organic.
 Inorganic fertilizer – produced from mining or manufactured.

    1. Straight fertilizers – produced via mining or synthetic. e.g  Muriate of Potash (MOP – 60% K2O), Ammonium Chloride (AC – 25% N), Urea (44% N),  Rock phosphate  (RP – 29% P2O5), Dolomite (20% MgO) Kieserite (27% MgO), HGFB (44% B2O5).
    2. Compound fertilizer – granular homogenous product formed by the combination of 2 or more nutrients through chemical reaction. e.g Cpd 44 (12:6:22:3), Cpd S1 (9:5.5:31:2.8), NPK Blue (12:12:17:2) + TE, NPK green(15:15:15) etc.
    3. Mixture fertilizer – mixing 2 or more straight fertilizer to formulate suitable ratio. No chemical reaction.  e.g NK1 – 12.6% N and 24% K2O.
    4. Slow and controlled release fertilizer, liquid and other fertilizers – chemically processed, eg. Byfolan, Floranid, Basacote etc.

 Organic fertilizer - oil palm by product.
    1. EFB – Empty fruit bunch
    2. POME – Palm oil mill effluent
    3. COMPOST – Mixture of shredded EFB and POME. Enhanced with effective microorganism to fasten the decomposition process and add nutrient value.


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